Manowar at Headbangerball, Twentehallen, Enschede, The Netherlands – 7th of October 1984
This first edition of this festival was cancelled because headliner Manowar was in the process of signing a new record deal with “10 Records”, a subdivision of Virgin. So a couple months later, the band arrived with a new album waiting in the wings. “Sign of the Hammer” was their fourth studio album, and was going to be released the week after the festival. Besides their own entourage, Manowar also brought in a chef to cook their meals. During the day, the back-stage area had a lovely smell of well-prepared food hanging around. The band played loud according to their long established reputation, and close to the end of the show, singer Eric Adams, blew up the high region section of the venue’s PA system. Also remarkable was their stage clothing, the band was completely dressed in loin cloths and leather; it looked like they were coming from a film set of Conan the Barbarian. Standing there in the photo booth, the once lovely scent of food was now overtaken by the smell of leather and sweat.
© Deze gallery bevat beeldmateriaal van Marko van Haren. Hij heeft alle rechten op het beeldmateriaal. Het ongevraagd gebruiken van de beelden valt onder auteursrecht en rechten zoals creatief eigendom. © This gallery contains images from Marko van Haren. He has all rights to the image material. Unsolicited use of the images falls under copyright and rights such as creative property.