Together at Feesttent, Twello, The Netherlands – 26th of May 1984.
With a packed and almost sold out festival tent, Youth centre “K.P.J. Kayak” did a smart move to invite local- and national hero’s Together. Upon hearing the first notes of their highly riff-driven heavy metal, the audience exploded into an over-energetic crowd. What can I add more about this gig: Killer show.
© Deze gallery bevat beeldmateriaal van Marko van Haren. Hij heeft alle rechten op het beeldmateriaal. Het ongevraagd gebruiken van de beelden valt onder auteursrecht en rechten zoals creatief eigendom. © This gallery contains images from Marko van Haren. He has all rights to the image material. Unsolicited use of the images falls under copyright and rights such as creative property.