Megadeth at Aardschokdag, IJsselhal, Zwolle, The Netherlands – 29th of May 1988.
Things were hitting big for Megadeth and their “So Far, So Good... So What!” – album went within a month time after its release platinum. Before the recording sessions of that album started, some personal changes in the band composition were made. Guitarist Chris Poland and drummer Gar Samuelson had both been fired after the finalisation of the “Peace sells” tour. And were replaced by the bands former drum technician Chuck Behler and newcomer on the scene… guitar player Jeff Young. Megadeth’s stage show was impressive and clearly showed their emergence from the underground scene. Despite that, tensions between the band members were also noticeable on stage. There is a lot to be found on the internet about this tour and related matters, but in my opinion…Let the music do the talking.
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