Gravestone at Heavy Metal Hammer Show, Scheffelhalle, Singen, South-Germany, 22nd of December 1984.
In the 1980’s, Germany was the second country, after America, in the world who released the most records on a yearly basis. Not surprisingly, the worldwide success of compatriots Scorpions and Accept had created a new generation of talented and inspired bands. One of these bands was also the Heavy Metal/Power Metal band Gravestone from Illertissen, Bavaria. And this band was definitely at this festival an eye-catcher … and not only just because of the use of makeup which made them look like a cross-over between Twisted Sister and the early Slayer group photographs. But above all and remarkable was their tight and fast group sound that sometimes reached Speed Metal velocities. This is in combination with the excellent vocals of singer Berti Majdan, whose vocal range resembled a cross between King Diamond and "Der" Udo Dirkschneider, made this band in no time a crowd favourite. As a thank you and with the approaching Christmas period in mind, one of the guitarists played during his guitar solo his own interpretation of “Oh Tannenbaum”. It couldn't have been better.
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