Wizzard at de Vrije Vloer, Utrecht., The Netherlands, 1986.
Since the release of their first demo in '84, the Apeldoorn based formation Wizzard had gone through a stormy development, after a few “as usual” line-up changes the band was at its best. This did not go unnoticed, Peter de Jong (from concert promoter Dutch Rock Company) and Jan Scheffers (former manager of Together) scouted the band for their project “The Heavy Touch”. A compilation album on which regional Dutch Hard Rock/Heavy Metal bands could show what they were capable of. So also, Wizard was represented on the record with two songs “Bound to Fall” and “Wargames” which were recorded at Ivory Tower Studios, Bornerbroek, The Netherlands. A very successful national club tour to support this release followed. For Wizzard, this also resulted in a position as support act at the record release party of Martyrs “Darkness at Time's Edge” at the Vrije Floor in Utrecht. Wizzard was on the rise and everything looked promising, but worldwide the musical landscape was already gradually changing.
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