Anvil at IJsselhal, Zwolle, The Netherlands – 2nd of September 1983.
The summer of 1983 was stunning and exciting… an era where almost every week a new killer album appeared on the scene. Releases by the established household names where alternated by the remarkable debuts of newcomers. For me it was also the kick-off of things to come and on this concert I made my first steps in concert photography. And of course this didn’t go without any issues, from wrong shutter speeds to broken film. I faced everything where I could be confronted with and had to deal with it on the spot. But at least somebody in the circle of my parent’s friends was humble enough to lend me his camera. The unit itself was not very high standard and contained very limited possibilities. But nevertheless, I had to learn it the hard way, but I was eager to shoot pictures of the Canadian outfit Anvil, who had recently released their third album “Forged in Fire”. And it was a smash; the album contained all the elements of what a killer album should have. Anvil played in a semi to a third reduced IJsselhal at Zwolle and luckily for me and my friends we didn’t have to travel very far to see the band. And by entering the venue, we met Lips, who was standing nearby the PA mixing console and after a chat and some signatures richer our day couldn't get any better. “Forged in Fire” is still one of my favourite albums of all time, and to this day I still do not understand why they could not force a break through with this masterpiece. But everyone who has seen the movie “The story of Anvil” knows by now how everything went.
© Deze gallery bevat beeldmateriaal van Marko van Haren. Hij heeft alle rechten op het beeldmateriaal. Het ongevraagd gebruiken van de beelden valt onder auteursrecht en rechten zoals creatief eigendom. © This gallery contains images from Marko van Haren. He has all rights to the image material. Unsolicited use of the images falls under copyright and rights such as creative property.