Kiss at IJsselhal, Zwolle, The Netherlands – 4th of November 1984.
Who didn't grow up with them? .....KISS. Their Animalize World Tour in support of their twelfth studio album started with some complications. Lead guitarist Mark St. John was suffering from reactive arthritis and really wasn’t up to being on tour anymore. His replacement Bruce Kulick, filled his position perfectly and became a permanent member of the group. It was also the very first time the band performed in the Netherlands without their well known “trade-mark”, the unmistakable make up. They had also amped up the new stage design with wall to wall leopard-zebra print which reflected the cover of their latest album “Animalize”. During their performance a lot of things were noticeably different which was slightly dissapointing for the present hard core fanbase, who had counted on a complete show. Paul Stanley's vocal performance wasn’t always up to scratch and because of that he spent more time telling stories and talking rather than singing. The flow of the concert was structured in three parts. A very strong beginning, a weaker middle part which was clearly noticeable to the audience, who were by this time, distracted. But thankfully, a surprisingly punchy ending to their final set which featured the Latin American song “La Bamba” as well as the country hit “Oh Susanna”. Paul and Gene played as expected, Bruce preferred to stay in the background, but the outstanding performer of the night was definitely drummer, Eric Carr. Stunning!!!
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