Flotsam & Jetsam at Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8th of March 1987.
The debut album “Doomsday for the deceiver” of Flotsam & Jetsam was a classic in the making. Shortly after its release, bassist Jason Newsted left the band to join Metallica as Cliff Burton's successor. His replacement for the tour was Michael Spencer from the Sacramento band Sentinel Beast. This evening showed again how powerful the metal underground was growing and both bands, Megadeth & Flotsam, had already established a huge following. The famous tape trading circuit had already laid the foundation for both bands even before they were capable of touring the European continent. From the very first notes of “Hammerhead” the hall was turned upside down. The most played material came from their debut album, but there was also room for a new song and the oldie but goldie, “I Live, you Die”. Most notably, band member and guitar player Michael Gilbert, was headbanging from start to finish and was only disturbed when a stage diver came too close. The whole evening was devoted to the enthusiastic activities of the stage-climbing spectators, and security had its hands full with it. Oh yeah, that idiot who tried to fuse the drummer's drumsticks during a song…could have better stayed home.
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