Witch Cross at Gigant, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands on April 21st, 1985.
The release of the band’s debut single “No Angel/Are You There” in 1982 was remarkable and received the first steps of attention from the press and media. After a couple of personnel changes, the Heavy Metal group from Hillerød, Denmark, started to develop their style into twin-based guitar parts with powerful melodic elements. This resulted in a record contract with Roadrunner records. The band’s first long play album “Fit for Fight” saw the light in 1984 and was produced by Ivan Horn , who was also the producer of the band’s single, and engineered by Niels Erik Lund, known for his work with Mercyful Fate and later-on King Diamond. To support the release, Witch Cross began to undertake several Scandinavian tours, which continued in 1985 with a Dutch & German tour. One of their tour stops was at Gigant in Apeldoorn, a former school which had transformed into a youth centre. Despite the group’s name, they were not on the dark side at all, more the opposite. The band showed on stage what they were capable of, bringing an energetic show with an unbeatable enthusiasm, and lots of fun. This became contagious and soon after the first tunes, the crowd was infected.
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