Sad Iron at Zaal Hendriks, Wognum, The Netherlands 1984
Sad Iron is one of the first and oldest speed metal bands from the Netherlands. The first time I saw them was in my hometown of Zutphen. This was during the release support tour of “Holland Heavy Metal Volume 1 (1982)”. Almost a year later the band’s first full length album “Total Damnation (1983)” was released and subtly promoted. I drove-off to Wognum, West-Friesland, to see them as support act of German heavy metal band Trance, in a small club close to the local church. The club owner was instructed by the local authorities not to make any noise during the Saturday mass at 6 o clock. So Sad Iron had to wait to conduct their sound check, which they did…but ironically later that evening during their set…. they played their popular anthem “We All Praise the Devil” to the packed hall.
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