Together at Headbangerball Twentehallen, Enschede, The Netherlands on October 7th, 1984
Roadrunners compilation album “Dutch Steel (1984)” featured many national bands, giving lots of exposure and opportunities to play in the clubs. Local heroes Together, were also represented on that release and through this, they could expand on their already established, notorious live reputation and following. Remarkable and quite unique was their uplifting sound, but a strong ace in this band featured the twin guitar duo Jan Kasperink and Wouter Neijenhuis. Their excellent riff work fused the place in no time. At the time of the festival, the band was in full preparation for their forthcoming recording sessions of “Playing Games”, which was going to be released a year later. American producer Niki Buzz, who was also known as the guitar player from Vendetta and M-80, was recruited for the job. As a welcome break in this pre-studio routine, Together had a spot in this festival and asked Niki to join them on stage. Niki completely shredded the place and the crowd were knocked out …
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