Queensryche at Jaap Edenhal, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 20th of October 1984.
Something new appeared under the horizon. Bootlegging, not the well-known sound recordings, but the street selling of unofficial T-shirts, posters and tour books outside the venue. This activity caused many touring bands to lose money. As a countermeasure, the performing bands sent “people” into the concert hall to confiscate illegal cameras. Unfortunately that evening something went wrong with my photo pass and I had to wait for it. But in the meantime, try to shoot support act Queensryche from the crowd, I was mistaken for an illegal entrant and was involved in an argument with one of these “people” and the guy didn't believe my story. Security got involved, and the record company representative wasn’t there to vouch for me. As I had borrowed the camera, I didn’t want to give it to them so decided it would be easier to leave the venue. So that night I couldn’t make shots as I had planned. Later on I informed the record company about this incident and they made amends during headliner DIO's next tour. All’s well that ends well. (Source: THE INCREDIBLE STORY OF THE ’80S METAL EUROPE MAGAZINE @ https://www.metaltalk.net)
© Deze gallery bevat beeldmateriaal van Marko van Haren. Hij heeft alle rechten op het beeldmateriaal. Het ongevraagd gebruiken van de beelden valt onder auteursrecht en rechten zoals creatief eigendom. © This gallery contains images from Marko van Haren. He has all rights to the image material. Unsolicited use of the images falls under copyright and rights such as creative property.