Vengeance at at Parkpop, Zuiderpark, Den Haag, The Netherlands - 25th of June 1989.
Despite a very warm and sunny day, Vengeance presented the festival audience with an exuberant performance to promote their recently released album “Arabia”. And introduced their brand-new guitarist Jan Somers to the fans. The attentive reader will also have spotted Ayreon mastermind Arjen Anthony Lucassen in the photographs.
© Deze gallery bevat beeldmateriaal van Marko van Haren. Hij heeft alle rechten op het beeldmateriaal. Het ongevraagd gebruiken van de beelden valt onder auteursrecht en rechten zoals creatief eigendom. © This gallery contains images from Marko van Haren. He has all rights to the image material. Unsolicited use of the images falls under copyright and rights such as creative property.